Emsisoft Anti Malware - 6 month GIVEAWAY

First download Emsisoft Antimalware from below  & follow the instructions

This giveaway is for Computerbild readers from Russia, and to obtain the key you have to create a new account.

Go to http://www.proxynova.com/proxy-server-list/country-ru/ and grab a proxy

(Google Chrome Users)
open google chrome > advanced settings> change proxy settings>lan settings.
when you get to lan settings put your proxy in the box then you are all set. after you are done delete the proxy and your internet will be back to original state

(Firefox Users)
1. Open your Firefox.
2. go to option then go to the Advance>Network>Connection>Setting.
3. Choose the Proxy speed proxy and port.
3. copy proxy and port and put in your firefox connection setting in mennual proxy port.
4. then open the site which given on this extranal link.
5. then give your name, email, password and click on get the key.
6. you can use google translator or Gtranslator for TRANSLATE........!!!


Giveaway Page HERE

[Image: setmefreepc2013031500h5.png]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

​​Should using fresh and unblack listed proxy servers. Im high recommended using socks or SSH port forwarding.
​With the SSH Tunnel ou can get high speed and fresh and longer livetime (none blacklist) ip address ​​. You can refering this url for SSH ​Tunnel

You can also found more proxy server list on gatherproxy.com