Making Facebook more personal again (or more like Instagram!)

1. Organize your friends into friend lists

Choose the friends who are most important to you and put them into a list. In the future, simply select this friend list from your sidebar to only view updates from these friends.

2. Create a Facebook Group with Your Closest Friends

Facebook groups are a great tool to help you collaborate and share stuff with group members. You can even make your group a Secret – that way only you and your group members will know of its existence

3. Hide posts from ‘noisy’ friends

Do you have a friend who frequently posts rubbish that you rather not see on your news feed? Open their profile page and click on the Friends drop down button. From there, click on settings and simply de-select all the type of updates you would not want to see from him/her anymore

4. Clean up your Friends list

We’ve all added a few friends on Facebook along the way who are more acquaintances rather than real friends. Take a look through your friends list and make the hard choice to unfriend those who you really wouldn’t miss seeing on your news feed anymore. Don’t forget that all the people you have added on Facebook have access to your personal information that you’ve uploaded to Facebook.

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